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MUDP 2014 (The Eco-technological Development and Demonstration Program) has among other things focus on the reduction of the use of biocides products with active substances, which has been selected as candidates to substitution in the regulation on biocides. Therefore the Danish Ministry of the Environment will give priority to demonstrations of technologies or solutions which reduces the use of biocide products.

mediator A/S has applied for a grant from MUDP 2014 for a 2-year long research and development project. In cooperation with IWT ApS we have been granted the means to carry out the project. Besides from applying for a grant to the project we also act as the project leader during the process.

The project’s purpose is to test the substance DMDHEU’s property for modification of wood. The purpose of the modification of the wood is to gain a better wood durability and to reduce the use of biocides and other problematic chemicals.


BESTSELLER is a cloth and accessories company with different brands targeted the Danish and international market. Till now the company sells its products in 53 world-wide markets, just as it collaborates with about 300 factories for example in China, India, Turkey, and Italy.

With its code of conduct BESTSELLER proclaims that it will be in compliance with the current legislation. This includes the legislation, which is connected with those chemicals that can be found in BESTSELLER’s textile, cosmetic, and other accessories products. In this way there are talk of products, which the company for example imports from countries in- and outside the EU.

Because of BESTSELLER’s role as importer the legislation on chemicals have high demands for its documentation and control of its products. This requires a solid knowledge of both Danish and international rules.

Also, the rules and technical regulations the company is governed by, when accessories such as shoe care products is stored at the company, should be mentioned.

After skilled guidance and counseling from mediator BESTSELLER has partly gained structure of its purchases of chemistry-holding products and partly its store of flammable liquids.


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Sharda is an Indian company, which for example produces special chemicals targeted the agriculture. The company wishes to market more of its products in the European pesticide market, among these the Danish. In the effort of getting its pesticide products sanctioned for sale in the European market, mediator compiles and submits applications on behalf of Sharda. In this connection we attend to the running dialog with authorities and other stakeholders. With our thorough knowledge of product sanction in European auspices we make it possible for Sharda to get its products sanctioned, which would not have been possible, if it attended the application procedure on its own.

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Borup Kemi produces a number of products within household chemistry and other do-it-yourself products. With an assortment of more than 3,000 different products – fluid, powder, and cleaning- plus care products – the company can flaunt of being Denmark’s largest manufacturer/bottlery of household chemistry for both household staples and special trade. Through mediator the company keeps itself regularly up to date with the current legislation behind the company’s production and sale of household chemistry. Hereto we give legislative sparring practice and counselling so that Borup Kemi in this way acts in line with various laws and rules. This applies in proportion to Borup’s daily work and in proportion to unforeseen problems. Besides the legislative services we solve tasks attached to drawing up safety datasheets, labels, and different kinds of product documentation, etc..